Category Archives: weight loss

BPC (blueprint cleanse unboxing)

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Filed under blueprint cleanse, bpc, cleanse, diet, diet, fitness, weight loss, Health, weight loss, wellness, yoga, bikram, fitness, weight loss, food

fresh produce makes me smile


i happen to be incredibly blessed to live just a couple of miles from a local farm. it’s family owned and operated and the setting is just breath taking. i went yesterday, i was craving fresh healthy produce….after a weeks vacation, away from my kitchen, entrenched in an “all you can eat fest” of heavy unhealthy food my… body was craving real nourishment! as a mommy to 2 little ones I was desperate to get some quality food into their little bodies!!

my purchases included: lettuce, heirloom tomatoes that were absolutely sweet and juicy! zucchini, string beans, peaches, plums (green and black), apricots, corn and fresh cut flowers.

i made an italian giambotta (not exactly the way my mom used to make it, i omitted the potatoes) it’s sort of a vegetable stew with onions and garlic and zuchnini and stringbeans stewed with tomatoes. i also made cod (3 different ways for varieties sake…)on the grill in foil (i prefer parchment but was not sure it could handle the direct heat)

a visit to the farmstand is uplifting and oh so healthy!

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