Monthly Archives: March 2009

dinner tonight


i need to lose 15-20 lbs…trying to eat healthy.  so I make  a lot of fish.  mostly salmon ( i know, not the most dietetic of fish!!).  tonight i bought steelhead trout, which is very similar to salmon.  i believe it comes from california.  they belong to the family salmonidae which includes all salmon, trout, and chars…the flavor is a bit fuller than salmon, more gamey, not in a bad way…i’m glad i poached it…it is a nice clean way to cook fish.  i like to eat it simply… with a bit of fresh lemon or just a drizzle of soy.

if you like to poach fish, a poacher is great.  I love mine…i use it often.  I fill it 1/4 way with water then i add a cup or so of white wine..slice some onion, lemon a bay leaf some pepper corns (this is called a court bouillon)…add the cleaned fish.  set poacher across 2 burners and cook for about 15-25 minutes or so (check often).  so easy.

the broccoli rabe was excellent.  really, it was, this one is a keeper.  i started by washing and roughly cutting the leaves…added them to boiling salted water for just a minute or 2.  drained them and added them to an ice bath.  sauteed garlic, pine nuts and raisins salt and pepper add the greens back to the pan!…yum!!  


Filed under cooking, core plan, diet, fitness, weight loss, food, Health, recipes, weight watchers, wellness, yoga, bikram, fitness, weight loss, food