Monthly Archives: December 2009

angeletti or anisette cookie

I am quite fond of this soft pillow-ey Italian cookie.  I made them last Christmas and decided to make them again this year, but when I started out to make the recipe I did not have enough baking powder.  This recipe calls for a wopping (no pun intended) 6 tbls of baking powder!!  So instead, I found another recipe as a substitute. Not as good!!   So I am going to share with you my favorite recipe for angeletti.   I believe the  transaltion is “little angels”.

4 cups flour

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup milk

2 eggs, large

6 tbls baking powder

3/4 cup oil

1 1/2 tbls anise extract


1 tsp anise extract (and hot water as needed) to 1 cup confectioners sugar to make icing smooth.

yield: 40 cookies or so

Mix together dry ingredients in a large bowl.  Make a well in the center and add the oil milk anise and eggs  Mix together with a wooden spoon.  With oiled hands roll into 1″ balls and slightly flatten top.  Bake at 375 for 8 minutes.  Dip cookies into icing while still warm.  Buon Natale!


Filed under baking, cake decorating, Christmas, confections, Cooking, Baking, Food, italian food, recipes

my very first buche de noel

I have always wanted to make a bouche de noel and every christmas my mom and I agree to make one, and then chicken out.  so this year I decided I would give it a go.  I think I did ok.  I made a few mistakes that I will share with you.  First, it really helps to watch a few videos (youtube has many).  I watched several.  I chose to use  a recipe from compliments of Johnny Iuzzini from Jean Georges in NY.

I changed it a little..I  did not make the chestnut cream filling, I used chocolate mousse instead.  Johnny’s genoise recipe is great and easy to roll, the ganache is great too.  You might want to double the ganache recipe, it makes it easier to have extra.  OK, so here is where I screwed up, my mousse was too soft and oozed out a bit, next time I will pop it in the freezer to really thicken it.  Also, after filling and rolling do the following :

1) pop it in the FREEZER for 1 hour.

2) then slice the ends…

3) pour ganache over cake-roll over a sheet pan with rack,

4) adhere stump ends

5) more ganache over cake-roll over a sheet pan with rack,

5) then decorate on serving platter with meringue mushrooms.

I also did not use his swiss meringue recipe.  I whipped up 6 egg whites in an electric mixer (whisk attachment!!) added 1 cup sugar and about 4 tbls of meringue powder…whipped until stiff peaks form.  Use a piping bag and tip #12 to make mushroom caps and stems.  Bake on parchment at 200 for 1 hour.

Happy Holidays!!

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Filed under baking, buche de noel, cake decorating, confections, cooking, Cooking, Baking, Food, recipes

use watcha got

This past weekend NY was hit with a blizzard!!  Fun! Fun!  I love the  first snow-fall of the winter, always have!  As soon as the very first flakes of winter fall from the sky, it almost feels as if it’s the first time all over again.  So this weekend we had plans with our very close family friends to come over with their two children for early dinner on Sunday.  I decided to make what was in the house, so we did not have to go out…  a little of this, a little of that…and here is what i came up with:

Linguine with Cici and Tomatoes

I sauteed an onion in a large skillet with olive oil and a little butter.  I smashed about 7 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper, added this to the onions and let slowly brown on low for about 20- 25 minutes or so.  Do not let this burn.  I had Italian parsley  (this is the flat leafed parsley) and fresh basil in the fridge which I chopped up and three in to the onion mixture.  When everything was soft,  light brown and fully cooked, I added a nice splash of red wine, turn up the heat for about 3 minutes or so…stir with wooden spoon, then add about 3 tablespoons of butter.  I had cherry tomatoes in fridge, sliced these and threw them in as well.  Let the tomatoes blister a bit. I then opened a can of cici beans (chick peas), rinsed them in a colander…drain and add to the pan.  Add more fresh parsley and basil…let all of these flavors marry together in saute pan, then add cooked linguine to  pan and warm through.  Add a few tablespoons of peccorino cheese toss and serve!!  So freakin good!!! SOOO goood!!

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Filed under cooking, Cooking, Baking, Food, dinner, easy dinner, food, italian food, pasta

BPC (blueprint cleanse unboxing)

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Filed under blueprint cleanse, bpc, cleanse, diet, diet, fitness, weight loss, Health, weight loss, wellness, yoga, bikram, fitness, weight loss, food